Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Prime numbers

Easy peasy introduction about prime numbers

We call an integer as a prime more than 2 if it has no divisors strictly between one and itself,   An integer more than 2 which is not prime is called as composite.  2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13, 17 ... are prime whereas 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 ... are composite.

Prime numbers have diverse properties which are already recognized such as factoring composites into primes,  the infinitude of primes and so on whereas they bear problems unsolved so far, namely patternization of prime numbers and listing of prime numbers less than a big given number ans so forth. Thus, it is interestingly pointed out that a field of prime number is a hot math area wherein many challenging problems has existed without any proper solutions so far. 

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Chapter 2

Prime Numbers

The term

factoring or factorization refers to the process of expressing an

integer as the product of two or more integers in a nontrivial way, e.g.,

42 = 6

× 7. Prime numbers are those for which this process cannot be

done. We will soon see that prime numbers are the building blocks of the

integers. Together with the theory of divisibility, the properties of primes

are foundational elements of number theory.

2.1 Primes and Composites


We call an integer p 2 a prime if it has no divisors strictly

between 1 and

p. An integer n 2 which is not a prime is called composite.

The dichotomy between primes and composites thus takes place:

primes: 2

, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, . . .

composites: 4

, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, . . .

The words prime and composite are also used as adjectives, as in a



1 or a composite integer. Primality and compositeness are the nouns

associated with the two, respectively. Throughout this book, from now on,

we shall designate the notation

p to always represent a prime, lest we forget

to remind the reader.

Proposition 2.1.

The following statements hold.

1) Other than 2, all primes are odd numbers.



Do not mistake prime numbers (lacking nontrivial factors) for relatively prime numbers

(lacking common factors). It is true, two distinct primes are always relatively prime.


Being the only even prime, 2 is the odd one out!


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2) Every composite has a prime divisor.

3) The number

n is composite if and only if n has a prime divisor p ≤ √n.


1) By definition, even numbers are multiples of 2, hence they are all

composite, except 2 itself is prime.

2) Suppose, by induction, the statement is true up to

n 1. Either n is

prime, and nothing to prove, or else

n has a divisor d, with 1 < d < n.

It follows that

d has a prime divisor which is also a divisor of n, by

Proposition 1.1(3).

3) A prime has no prime divisor less than itself. For composite

n = ab,


a > 1 and b > 1, either a ≤ √n or b ≤ √n must hold. Whichever

is true, by (2)

a or b has a prime divisor p, where p ≤ √n and p | n.

Propositions 2.1(3) implies that in order to test the primality of a number


, it suffices to check divisibility by the primes 2, 3, 5, . . . , up to n. This

testing algorithm is called the

trial division. For example, 113 10.63,

and the only primes up to 10 are 2, 3, 5, 7—none of which divides 113.

Hence, 113 is a prime.


2.1. Determine prime or composite, using trial division.

a) 383

b) 447

c) 799

d) 811

e) 1763


2.2. Investigate true or false.

a) The number

n + 99! is composite for each 2 n 100.

b) The number

n4 + 4 is composite for each n 2.

c) The number

n2 + n + 41 is prime for each n 0.

d) The number

n2 81n + 1681 is prime for each n 1.

Finding multiples is obviously much easier than finding divisors. In-

spired by this fact, the trial division is turned into the

sieve of Eratosthenes,

a relatively efficient algorithm to identify the prime numbers up to a prede-

termined bound

N. It works as follows.

We just ignore the even numbers, except the prime 2, then we list the

odd numbers from 3 to

N. The smallest in this list, 3, is prime. Now label all

its multiples by this prime 3. Among the

unlabeled remnant in the list, 5 is

now smallest. Label all its multiples by this prime 5. Repeat this procedure

until all up to

N have been labeled. The unlabeled numbers which remain

are all primes.


Theory of Numbers


(The Sieve of Eratosthenes). With N = 101, it takes only 3 itera-

tions, with primes 3, 5, 7, and the output is given below. The label following

each number

n, separated by a colon (:), also indicates the smallest prime

divisor of

n. The odd primes, surviving the sieve, are displayed in bold.


:3 5:5 7:7 9:3 11 13 15:3 17 19 21:3


25:5 27:3 29 31 33:3 35:5 37 39:3 41


45:3 47 49:7 51:3 53 55:5 57:3 59 61

63:3 65:5

67 69:3 71 73 75:3 77:7 79 81:3


85:5 87:3 89 91:7 93:3 95:5 97 99:3 101

Table 2.1: The sieve of Eratosthenes for odd primes up to 101.


2.3. Using the sieve of Eratosthenes, find all primes up to 1,000.

Alternately, implement this algorithm using a programming language of your

choice, say with

N = 10, 000.

Some divisibility properties involving primes will now be presented. The

simplest result is perhaps this next lemma, to be followed by a very useful

theorem, a consequence of Euclid’s lemma.

Lemma 2.2.

Let p be a prime. For any integer n, we have gcd(p, n) = p if


| n, otherwise gcd(p, n) = 1.


The claim is justified since 1 and p are the only divisors of p.

Theorem 2.3.

If p | mn, then either p | m or p | n. More generally, if a


p divides the product of integers, then p divides one of them.


If p n then by Lemma 2.2, gcd(p, n) = 1, and by Theorem 1.8(1)

(Euclid’s lemma) we then have

p | m. Repeated use of this argument estab-

lishes the general claim.


2.4. Show that if p | n2 then p2 | n2, where p is prime.

2.2 Factoring Composites into Primes

Intuitively, by factoring a given composite

n and further factoring its factors

if necessary, we should be able to write

n as a product of only prime numbers.

The next theorem, which is of greatest importance in the theory of numbers,

assures not only that

factorization into primes can always be done, but also

that the end collection of prime factors is uniquely determined by

n. For

example, in factoring the number 1998, one may obtain 1998 = 2

× 3 × 3 ×

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× 37, or 1998 = 3 × 37 × 3 × 2 × 3, but it would be impossible to find

another prime factor outside the collection

{2, 3, 3, 3, 37}. Here, a collection

is like a set in which repetition of elements is taken into account.

Theorem 2.4

(The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic). Every composite

is the product of a unique collection of prime numbers.


Claim first that every composite is a product of primes. Suppose

this is true up to

n 1. If n is prime, there is nothing to prove. Else by

Proposition 2.1(2),

n = pnfor a prime p and n< n. Either nis prime or,

by the induction hypothesis, a product of primes. Thus the claim is true.

To prove uniqueness, we proceed by contradiction. Suppose we have two

different collections of primes,

p’s and q’s, whose products both equal n.

Equating these products, after canceling out all common terms, will result


p1p2 ・ ・ ・ pj = q1q2 ・ ・ ・ qk, where none of the p’s equals any of the q’s. By

Theorem 2.3,

p1 must divide one of the q’s. But it is impossible for a prime

to divide another prime other than itself.


2.5. Factor these numbers into primes.

a) 123

b) 400

c) 720

d) 7575

e) 19392

We will become familiar with the notation

n = Qpei


, where n has been

factored into powers of distinct primes,

ei 1. We call this the factorization

into prime powers

—distinct is implicitly assumed, always. Occasionally it

will be more convenient to have the product

n = Qpei


span over all prime

numbers by allowing

ei 0. Of course, ei = 0 for all but finitely many of

them. With this assumption, if

d | n then it is a consequence of Theorem 2.4


d = Qpdi


, where each di ei.


2.6. Prove that if d2 | n2 then d | n.


2.7. Count how many positive divisors each number has.

a) 323

b) 720

c) 1024

d) 2310

e) 19392

Corollary 2.5.

Suppose that m and n have been factored into prime pow-


m = Qpfi


and n = Qpei


, with ei, fi 0. Then gcd(m, n) = Qpdi




di = min(ei, fi), the lesser of the two.


Theory of Numbers


By Theorem 2.4, a divisor of m must be of the form d = Qpdi




i fi. Similarly, if d | n then di ei. So the greatest possible value for


d is when di = min(ei, fi).


We evaluate gcd(27720, 61152) using prime factorization,

27720 = 2

3 × 32 × 51 × 71 × 111 × 130

61152 = 2

5 × 31 × 50 × 72 × 110 × 131

and get the result, gcd(27720

, 61152) = 23 × 3 × 7 = 168.


2.8. Evaluate gcd(m, n) by factoring m and n.

a) gcd(400

, 720)

b) gcd(19392

, 29391)

c) gcd(2

3 × 38 × 54 × 75, 37 × 52 × 72)

d) gcd(2

5 × 57 × 113, 37 × 72 × 139)

e) gcd(2

4 × 52 × 7 × 113, 27 × 32 × 52 × 11)


2.9. Show that gcd(m2, n2) = gcd(m, n)2.


2.10. The least common multiple of two nonzero integers is the

smallest positive integer which is divisible by both. For example, lcm(4

, 6) =

12 because it is the smallest positive integer such that 4

| 12 and 6 | 12.

a) Suppose

m = Qpfi


and n = Qpei


, where ei 0 and fi 0. Prove that


m, n) = Qpdi


, where di = max(ei, fi), the greater of the two.

b) Show that if

m | k and n | k, then lcm(m, n) | k.

c) Find an equation relating gcd(

m, n) to lcm(m, n).

d) Illustrate your answer in (c) using

m = 600 and n = 630.

Thus we have now another method for evaluating gcd(

m, n), totally in-

dependent from the Euclidean algorithm. In contrast, however, factoring

is slow and the computation time grows exponentially with the size of the


More about factorization will be discussed in Chapter 7; in the meantime,

we demonstrate next a factorization technique due to Fermat. Although the

method is old, many modern and powerful factoring algorithms are actually

based on this principle.


n = x2 y2, then n factors as n = (x + y)(x y). This fact is the

simple idea behind the method of

Fermat factorization. We seek a factor of


by calculating the numbers y2 = x2 n for each integer x ≥ √n until we

find a

perfect square, i.e., the square of an integer.

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(Fermat Factorization). Let n = 4277. We have 4277 65.39,

so let us start with

x = 66.


2 4277 = 79


2 4277 = 212


2 4277 = 347


2 4277 = 484 = 222

The result is, 4277 = 69

2 222 = (69 + 22)(69 22) = 91 × 47.


2.11. Illustrate Fermat factorization using the following numbers.

a) 2117

b) 16781

c) 17933

d) 70027

Fermat factorization works for all odd numbers, for if

n = ab with both


and b odd, then n = x2 y2, where x = (a + b)/2 and y = (a b)/2.

Moreover, this shows that we should terminate the algorithm when we reach


= (n + 1)/2, in which case the result is trivial, i.e., n = n × 1, and n is

prime. For large

n, however, the iterations from n to (n + 1)/2 make this

algorithm too slow to be practical.


2.12. Fermat factorization is efficient when n has at least one

factor relatively close to

n. Why is this statement true?

2.3 The Infinitude of Primes

One relevant question concerning primes is whether or not there exist in-

finitely many primes of a special form, e.g., 4

n + 3 or n2 + 1. This will

turn to generate very difficult problems, many of which are still unsolved.

But first, of course, we need to be convinced that prime numbers are indeed

infinitely many—and this fact is not hard to demonstrate.

Theorem 2.6.

There are infinitely many prime numbers.


If there were only finitely many primes, let n be the product of them

all. Too large to be prime, the number

n + 1 would be composite and

divisible by

p, which is one of the primes dividing n. Then p would divide


n + 1) n = 1, by Proposition 1.1(4). This is absurd since p 2.

Furthermore, we actually have a way to estimate the distribution of

primes among the positive integers in a given interval. To make precise the

statement, we need the next definition.


Theory of Numbers


The prime counting function (x) denotes the number of primes

up to

x, where x can be any real number.3 For example, (13) = 6 because

there are exactly six primes in this range, i.e., 2

, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. Similarly,

(100) = 25, according to Table 2.1.

For large values of

x, the function (x) behaves much like x/ log x, where


x denotes the natural logarithm function. We state this result as the next

theorem, the proof of which requires advanced techniques from complex

analysis and, unfortunately, will not be provided here.

Theorem 2.7

(The Prime Number Theorem). We have






log x

= 1

Moreover, it has been found that

x/(log x 1) is a slightly better function


x/ log x in approximating (x) for large values of x.


Up to 25 billion, the number of primes is estimated by


, 000, 000, 000

log 25

, 000, 000, 000 1 1, 089, 697, 743

which is comparable to the actual count,

(25 × 109) = 1, 091, 987, 405.


2.13. Estimate how many prime numbers there are,

a) up to one million.

b) up to ten million.

c) between 9 million and 10 million.

d) among the ten-digit integers.

Now back to primes of special forms. The first case we shall consider

involves primes that come in the sequence

{an+b}, where a and b are fixed.

According to Proposition 1.6(1), every number of this form is a multiple of


a, b). Hence if gcd(a, b) > 1, then the sequence {an+b} can contain only

composites, except perhaps gcd(

a, b) itself, if prime. So to avoid triviality,

we assume that gcd(

a, b) = 1—a condition which, claimed below, is sufficient

to ensure the infinitude of such primes.

Theorem 2.8

(Dirichlet’s Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic Progressions).

Primes of the form

an + b are infinitely many if, and only if, gcd(a, b) = 1.

This theorem is a very advanced general result whose proof lies in the

domain of analytic number theory and, unfortunately again, cannot be given

within the scope of this book. Instead we will supply, by way of illustration,

a simple proof for the specific case

a = 4 and b = 3.


For example, ( ) = 2. Ha!

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There are infinitely many primes of the form

4n + 3. To see this, first note

that every odd prime has the form either 4

n+1 or 4n+3. Second, the product

of two numbers of the form 4

n + 1 is again of the same form. Therefore, a

number of the form 4

n + 3 must have a prime divisor of the form 4n + 3.

If primes of the form 4

n+3 were finite in number, let n be the product of

them all. As noted, one of these prime divisors of

n must divide 4(n1)+3,

hence it would also divide 4(

n 1) + 3 4n = 1, a contradiction.


2.14. Prove the infinitude of primes of the form 6n + 5.

There remain many open problems today concerning the infinitude of

primes of a curious type, such as

n2 +1 or n!+1. Among the most popular

is the so-called

Mersenne primes—of the form 2p 1, e.g., the prime 31 =


5 1. The exponent p must be a prime as a necessary, but not sufficient,

condition for a Mersenne prime. This claim is in the next exercise.


2.15. Let m and n be two positive integers. Prove these facts.

a) (2

m 1)%(2n 1) = 2m%n 1.

b) 2

m 1 is composite if m is.

c) gcd(2

m 1, 2n 1) = 2gcd(m,n) 1.

d) 2

m 1 and 2n 1 are relatively prime if and only if m and n are.

It is unsettled whether or not there are infinitely many Mersenne primes.

Computational evidence suggests that there probably are. The largest find-

ing, announced August 2008 at the Prime Pages [eCal], was the 12,978,189-

digit Mersenne prime 2

p 1 corresponding to p = 43112609.

This is quite common where, along with the search for a settling proof,

computational efforts are being done to find the largest prime of the specific

type—here, largest means record breaking.

Another famous prime search is that after

twin primes, i.e., a pair of

primes differing by 2. At the writing of this revision, the record of twin

primes at the Prime Pages shows the pair 65516468355

× 2333333 ・} 1, of

100,355 decimal digits each.

The search for numerical support, however, has not always been that

fruitful—at least not with the next class of primes, to be found among the

Fermat numbers,



n = 22n

+ 1


n 0. The first five Fermat numbers happen to be primes—such primes

are named

Fermat primes. But no other Fermat primes have been discovered

until now, if any more exists.

The big challenge, since

Fn grows quite rapidly, is not merely in evaluat-

ing a Fermat number or proving its primality, but even more in finding one

of its factors, if composite. We will see more about this topic in Section 9.3.


Theory of Numbers


2.16. Let Fn = 22n

+ 1 denote a Fermat number,

n 0.

a) Find the first five Fermat primes.

b) Verify the recurrence relation

Fn = F0F1F2 ・ ・ ・ Fn1 + 2 for n 1.

c) Prove that Fermat numbers are relatively prime one to another.

d) Use (c) to prove again that there are infinitely many prime numbers.


2.17. Show that 2k +1 is composite if k has an odd prime factor.

2.4 Euler’s Factorization Method [Project 2]

While Fermat factorization is based on the difference of two squares, there

is another factoring technique, due to Euler, which involves the

sum of two


Suppose that an odd number

n can be expressed as a sum of two squares

in two different ways,

n = x2 + y2 = z2 + w2. Without loss of generality,

assume that

x and z are even, while y and w odd. Let d = gcd(xz,wy)


c = gcd(x + z,w + y). This will lead us to finding a factor of n, given

by (

c/2)2 + (d/2)2.


(Euler’s Factorization Method). Given that 493 = 222+32 = 182+


2. We have d = gcd(2218, 133) = 2 and c = gcd(22+18, 13+3) = 8.

Then (

c/2)2 + (d/2)2 = 17 divides 493. Indeed, 493 = 17 × 29.


2.4.1. Factor the following numbers by Euler’s method.

a) 10049 (100

2 + 72 = 322 + 952)

b) 10081 (100

2 + 92 = 842 + 552)

c) 10121

d) 1000049


2.4.2. Justify the claim of Euler’s method by showing that




2 + d2




x z)2 + (w y)2



This method of factorization obviously has its limitations; for one thing,

there is no reason to expect that every number can be represented as a sum

of two squares. The aim of the next project (Section 3.4) is to identify the

positive integers which are representable in this way. As a preview, the

answer will be given by the following theorem, first discovered by Fermat.

Theorem 2.9.

Let n = Qpei


be the usual factorization of n into prime

powers. The diophantine equation

n = x2 + y2 has a solution if and only if


i is even whenever pi %4 = 3.

In particular, a consequence of Euler’s method, Theorem 2.9 implies that

primes of the form 4
k + 1 can be uniquely written as a sum of two squares!

The Infinitude of PrimesFactoring Composites into Primeswhereas it also brings up many unsolved problems


A positive integer p is prime if the only positive factors of p are 1 and p

If there are other factors, it is composite

Note that 1 is not prime!

It’s not composite either – it’s in its own class

An integer n is composite if and only if there exists an integer a such that a | n and 1 < a < n
